"I play me, the way I am"
Annika Michalski
"I play me, the way I am"
Die Selbstdarstellungen Werner Tübkes von 1940 bis 2004
bound, 2014, 26 x 19 cm, 386 pages, 368 col and b/w illustrations 49.90 EUR,
available at bookstores and at the Foundation during the opening hours,
ISBN 978-3-412-22403-5
In a fundamental reevaluation of Werner Tübke’s art and life during the cultural politics in the "workers- and peasants-state" this book comprises nearly 300 self-presentations embedded into contemporary discussions about art in the GDR as well as into Tübke’s biography. It offers exclusive insights to intimate sketches and the diaries of the artist. This is the first genre analysis of Tübke’s complete works and also includes an illustrated catalog chronicling his self-presentations.
Susanne Vetter / Steffen Wachter
hard cover, 24 x 20 cm, 96 pages, 80 depictions,
17.90 EUR, available in bookstores or directly at the Foundation in the
Springerstrasse 5 during opening hours. ISBN 978-3-95415-012-0
What to do with young kids or teenagers in preparation for an enjoyable trip to an art museum? It's a question for parents and teachers alike. The book provides clear answers and ideas how to make the encounters with art pieces an exciting affair.All presented methods are exemplified with art works from the Tübke Stiftung Leipzig, but can be readily applied to other art exhibitions as well.
Holdings Catalog - Painting
Annika Michalski / Frank Zöllner
Tübke Foundation Leipzig. Holdings Catalog - Paintings
Second Edition 2012
numerous depictions in color. 20 x 24 cm, 104 pages, hard cover, 17.90 EUR,
available through bookstores: ISBN 978-3-95415-009-0
The recently updated and revised catalog features the Foundation’s complete paintings collection, provided with detailed individual analyses and supported by expressive photographic documents.
The catalog is also available for purchase directly from the Foundation during open hours in the Springerstrasse 5.
Holdings Catalog – Drawings and Water Colors
Eduard Beaucamp / Annika Michalski / Frank Zöllner
Holdings Catalog – Drawings and Water Colors
numerous depictions in color. 20 x 24 cm, 152 pages, hard cover,
17.90 EUR, available through bookstores: ISBN 978-3-938442-73-9
Commemorating Werner Tübkes 80. birthday the second catalog presents 67 drawings and 16 water colors owned by the Foundation. Subject matter ranges from the daily life of the artist, portraits, commissioned art work, Bad Frankenhausen, and his travels spanning his entire artistic life.
The second catalog is also available for purchase directly at the Foundation in the Springerstrasse 5 during opening hours.
The Green Sketch Book - Werner Tuebke 1952
Brigitte Tübke-Schellenberger / Annika Michalski / Frank Zöllner (Hg.)
The Green Sketch Book - Werner Tuebke 1952
Reprint, 13 x 20 cm, 110 pages, hard cover, 19,90 EUR, available for sale in bookstores or directly at the Foundation in the Springerstrasse 5 during opening hours. ISBN 978-3-938442-83-8
This first publication of one out of twelve private sketch books kept by Werner Tübke shows reprints of various studies he made during 1952. The book contains several sketches of human faces and family portraits; observations of people in their daily activities and captures situations rich in mood and full of expression. The publication comes with an introduction to the content and Werner Tübke itself, written in the context of the traditional artist’s sketch book.
Memo-Tower Tübke
Memo-Tower Tübke
Memory game depicting scenes from 35 paintings, 72 cards, 6 x 6 cm
14,90 EUR, available for sale in bookstores or directly at the Foundation in the Springerstrasse 5 during opening hours. EAN 4280000195036
The memory game comprises selections from paintings, water colors and drawings made by Werner Tübke between 1936 and 2003, now part of the Tübke Foundation Leipzig. Other scenes are derived from the Panorama Museum mural in Bad Frankenhausen. Friends of the arts and novices alike will enjoy this version of the memory game, which can be played by 2 to 10 players. It is especially suited for children and teens and a fun way to introduce young people to the arts.